liturgy committee
Chairperson: TBC
Liturgy is central to our faith. The most important liturgical act is the Mass, a celebration of the Eucharist, instated by Our Lord, Jesus Christ at the Last Supper.
The Word Liturgy literally means “the works of the people”, meaning that all the parishioners are called to participate and serve an active role in the parish.
Every week, Masses are celebrated at St Thomas of Canterbury - 2 Sunday Masses and 6 Weekday Masses.
There are the seasonal liturgies, particularly Advent and Christmas and Lent and Easter and sacramental celebrations throughout the year like Baptism, First Holy Communion, Confirmation and weddings
All this would depends on the support and dedication of many parishioners who would volunteer to help in a variety of tasks – altar services, readers, Eucharistic ministers, sacristans and church choir and music group and many others who help “behind the scene”, ensuring the smooth running of the parish. The ‘Children’s Liturgy’ is led by groups of volunteers.
Liturgy meetings are held three times a year and all are welcome. Meetings are advertised in the weekly newsletter and on our parish website.
Liturgy is central to our faith. The most important liturgical act is the Mass, a celebration of the Eucharist, instated by Our Lord, Jesus Christ at the Last Supper.
The Word Liturgy literally means “the works of the people”, meaning that all the parishioners are called to participate and serve an active role in the parish.
Every week, Masses are celebrated at St Thomas of Canterbury - 2 Sunday Masses and 6 Weekday Masses.
There are the seasonal liturgies, particularly Advent and Christmas and Lent and Easter and sacramental celebrations throughout the year like Baptism, First Holy Communion, Confirmation and weddings
All this would depends on the support and dedication of many parishioners who would volunteer to help in a variety of tasks – altar services, readers, Eucharistic ministers, sacristans and church choir and music group and many others who help “behind the scene”, ensuring the smooth running of the parish. The ‘Children’s Liturgy’ is led by groups of volunteers.
Liturgy meetings are held three times a year and all are welcome. Meetings are advertised in the weekly newsletter and on our parish website.