Knights of columba
‘The Knights of St. Columba’ is an organisation of Catholic men. There are about 500 branches or Councils in the U.K. including our own local Council 151, which covers Rainham, Gillingham and Parkwood.
The prime mission of the ‘Knights’ is to assist the priests and the Hierarchy of the Church in a practical manner. This they do by organising and/or taking an active part in national events promoting the work of the ‘Church’, such as rallies, pilgrimages, retreats and other spiritual activities.
‘The Knights of St. Columba’ actively support and promote virtue, welfare of the family, respect for human life and work for the under-privileged countries of the world. They also work to help solve social problems such as poverty and unemployment, particularly among fellow Catholics.
The ‘Knights’ help one another in sickness or need; care for their widows and dependants and pray for the souls of departed members. They organise social events for their members and their parishes. They constantly help each other in the practice of their faith through ‘Daily Mass’ schemes. They also care for the needs of young people by organising practical activities for them such as the annual ‘Aylesford Youth Day’.
If you are over eighteen years of age and would like to know more about the ‘Knights’, or are thinking of joining, contact Tony Crack (01634) 851175. He will gladly tell you more about the Order or George Norman: Grand Knight of Council 151 on (01634) 853968.
Click here to find out more about the patron St Columba.
The prime mission of the ‘Knights’ is to assist the priests and the Hierarchy of the Church in a practical manner. This they do by organising and/or taking an active part in national events promoting the work of the ‘Church’, such as rallies, pilgrimages, retreats and other spiritual activities.
‘The Knights of St. Columba’ actively support and promote virtue, welfare of the family, respect for human life and work for the under-privileged countries of the world. They also work to help solve social problems such as poverty and unemployment, particularly among fellow Catholics.
The ‘Knights’ help one another in sickness or need; care for their widows and dependants and pray for the souls of departed members. They organise social events for their members and their parishes. They constantly help each other in the practice of their faith through ‘Daily Mass’ schemes. They also care for the needs of young people by organising practical activities for them such as the annual ‘Aylesford Youth Day’.
If you are over eighteen years of age and would like to know more about the ‘Knights’, or are thinking of joining, contact Tony Crack (01634) 851175. He will gladly tell you more about the Order or George Norman: Grand Knight of Council 151 on (01634) 853968.
Click here to find out more about the patron St Columba.